Category Archives: Devotional

The Greatest

In Luke 9:46 we have recorded a rather hilarious event that took place among the disciples. Apparently they felt it was necessary to establish a pecking order among themselves early on. This of course resulted in an argument – and the ones who were the most outspoken basically “got dibs” on the titles such as […]

Christmas as Unusual

Christmas is here! When I think back to previous Christmas Days, several memories come to mind. Of course I enjoy being with family, opening gifts, and eating delicious family dinners. Those are the “usual” activities that happen each year. No, I think it’s those unexpected unusual experiences that are most memorable. I recall as a […]

So that…

“Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Aaaaahhhhhnnaaeeeeyyyyyaaank!” That’s a direct quote from the blockbuster comedy film “Dumb and Dumber” starring Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas. It was a very funny moment but I recommend the edited version. I must admit I laughed out of my chair during that movie. But I think […]

The Two Paths

You know how you are walking or biking down a new trail that you have never been on before and you come to that literal “fork in the road”? If you are an adventurer like me, this is an exciting moment! “Two choices instead of one! My little adventure just got twice as exciting!” I […]

Earning Not to be Heard

Someone mentioned this common Christian cliche’ the other day to a friend as I overheard them discuss how to talk to people who have chosen to live a sinful lifestyle – “Well you know, we got to earn the right to be heard. We can’t just go up to people and bombard them with our […]


“I’ll get to it tomorrow…” Famous last words. Some of you out there are habitual go-getters – you are always over-prepared, you were the first one to finish each homework assignment in high school, you always finish everything you start… Hmm. On second thought, I don’t think I know anybody like that. Oh, there are […]

Hanging on

I love cats! “They taste just like chicken.” Ha ha. You’ve heard that joke too often, no doubt. But seriously, growing up – we had a cat in our household for a time. We loved that fur ball. My brothers and I, still being barely past puberty, would find the most impossible crevices and death-defying […]


“Have you had your devotions today?” “Make sure you have your devotional time.” We say that kind of thing to each other as Christians just kind of off hand. But it is a good thing to keep saying to one another. Devotion to God is a tough row to how in our present society. Why? […]


Quick shout out to all of those who helped in spreading the word about Pebbles in the Pond – Wave II We did it! I so much appreciate all of your interest in this project! If you haven’t got your copy yet, I would encourage you to do so right now! And after you have […]