Tag Archives: faith

This Crazy Church World

Good morning! I have a little rant to share with y’all. (originally posted in a Facebook Page) I hope this is for you. I hope it edifies you. If not, I hope it amuses you, he he: There are two great TENSIONS throughout church history, that I see. I think we all see, experience and […]

Rolling With The Changes

Hello there! It’s sure been an amazing November here in Minnesota. I was watching a video excerpt of some tourists observing a huge glacier in Alaska as it broke apart and began slowly rolling around! Don’t have a clip of it. Sorry but it was a massive and amazing sight. I think my life is […]

Changes Remain

Things change. I’ll never forget the day my dad was taking pictures of us kids during Christmas – and the Polaroid camera he was using was out of film. And one of us just volunteered our cell phone.  He was in awe of the technology shift that had yet again taken place. Even digital cameras […]

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]


“I’ll get to it tomorrow…” Famous last words. Some of you out there are habitual go-getters – you are always over-prepared, you were the first one to finish each homework assignment in high school, you always finish everything you start… Hmm. On second thought, I don’t think I know anybody like that. Oh, there are […]

Hanging on

I love cats! “They taste just like chicken.” Ha ha. You’ve heard that joke too often, no doubt. But seriously, growing up – we had a cat in our household for a time. We loved that fur ball. My brothers and I, still being barely past puberty, would find the most impossible crevices and death-defying […]


“Hey, you look like you could use some rest!” How many times have I heard someone say that to me this past year? Too many to count. Yes, 2012 was very busy for me. A lot going on for a creative person like me who always has too many good ideas. But you know, I […]


Ever been to Vegas? I have. I don’t gamble. I really don’t like casinos. The entire scene is a tad bit off-putting for me. I like some of the cheap food and the amazing shows. I wouldn’t say my dislike for Vegas has anything to do with strong moral objections. I mean, in every city […]


Yep, that’s me! Mr. perfect! Ha – not at all. If you know me, you know… KNOW that I am not perfect. However, sometimes people accuse me of being a perfectionist. I find there is a slight difference between doing an excellent job and being a perfectionist. I’m truly just trying to do an excellent […]