Hanging on

I love cats!

“They taste just like chicken.” Ha ha.

You’ve heard that joke too often, no doubt. But seriously, growing up – we had a cat in our household for a time. We loved that fur ball.

My brothers and I, still being barely past puberty, would find the most impossible crevices and death-defying physical scenarios for our cat to try to figure out. Usually triple back flips and last second, spread-eagle reaches were required.

I don’t know, maybe that cat was bored and found our obstacle courses were too easy for him. He always made a perfect landing.

I feel sometimes that my life is similar to my cat in certain ways.

I seem to occasionally come across scenarios that are impossible for me to get out of in my own power. Maybe that’s why Paul said, “I rejoice in my weaknesses.” He went on to explain that God shows his strength in our weakness.

People may blame and accuse you for not being superhuman. Hypocrisy aside, it’s ridiculous to expect perfection in others when God comes to bring His awesome power to the weakest and feeblest of us!

It sounds trite, perhaps. Trials are definitely no fun. And unlike my cat’s experiences, God is always there holding us and even carrying us through the difficult parts of our journey.

So do you really want the way to get God’s power?

Get weaker!

Let yourself be in the impossible positions of life, like my cat, and watch God do something truly supernatural.

Happy landings!


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