Tag Archives: forgiveness

This Crazy Church World

Good morning! I have a little rant to share with y’all. (originally posted in a Facebook Page) I hope this is for you. I hope it edifies you. If not, I hope it amuses you, he he: There are two great TENSIONS throughout church history, that I see. I think we all see, experience and […]

You’re So Annoying

“You’re so annoying!” That’s exactly what my wife said to me recently after a friendly discussion about the garbage disposal. I don’t know why she said it. I wasn’t trying to be cute or snide or sarcastic. I thought the disposal was just fine. It works. Sure, it’s old and smells bad. But it works. […]

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]

Now & Later – Part 3 of 4

So where was I? Oh yes! Now and Later candy. Yummy. Can use, re-use… even re-re-use. Only thing is – it will screw up your dental work! Man I could tell you stories of when our mouths would lock up during a Now & Later chewing episode. I remember I used to get scared as […]

Earning Not to be Heard

Someone mentioned this common Christian cliche’ the other day to a friend as I overheard them discuss how to talk to people who have chosen to live a sinful lifestyle – “Well you know, we got to earn the right to be heard. We can’t just go up to people and bombard them with our […]

Forgive and Forget?

You grow up hearing this in elementary school, right? “Oh, just forgive and forget.” Okay, I’ll get right on that. My problem is, I have a fairly detailed memory and very good recall and retention level. And my mother and my wife have an even greater memory than I do! Maybe you are like me […]

Getting Personal

Getting personal… Yeah, that’s hard for me. After all, we live in a cynical world. We judge, we form opinions, we allow our ugly side to get the best of us. And we are well aware that we must put our best foot forward at all times. If you are a celebrity this is of […]