Tag Archives: grace

You Are Weak…


We have these convos every day about Christians we know who are really weak: “Oh did you hear the news about so-and-so?!” “Are you kidding me? How could so-and-so do this-and-that?” “I know! I think we better spread the news about so-and-so!” Well… okay not really. It’s not exactly that obvious. Or, is it? Of […]

You’re So Annoying

“You’re so annoying!” That’s exactly what my wife said to me recently after a friendly discussion about the garbage disposal. I don’t know why she said it. I wasn’t trying to be cute or snide or sarcastic. I thought the disposal was just fine. It works. Sure, it’s old and smells bad. But it works. […]

So that…

“Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Aaaaahhhhhnnaaeeeeyyyyyaaank!” That’s a direct quote from the blockbuster comedy film “Dumb and Dumber” starring Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas. It was a very funny moment but I recommend the edited version. I must admit I laughed out of my chair during that movie. But I think […]