Tag Archives: God

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]

A Few Feet Away

Just a couple of feet away. That’s all that separated my grandfather from instant eternity as he fought in the trenches of France during World War I. Starting in 1914 and lasting 4 years up to 1918, ” The Great War” was an unbelievably brutal conflict in which Germany fought Britain, The United States and […]

Are You Dressed Up?

I remember hearing that phrase over and over every Sunday morning when my mom and dad would get us three boys ready for church. Like most good church-goers, my family strongly adhered to the popular adage – “look your Sunday best for God.” And we did. Every Sunday, we wore clothes that we would never […]

Now & Later – Part 4 of 4

Yes! If you have been following my “Now & Later” Series you have made it to the final post… Congrats are in order! Basically the notion that we can have good friends both for now and later is not that incredibly deep. Many people have best friends for a lifetime. I wish my life worked […]

I Got Your Back

“I got your back.” I was listening to Jim Rome the other day on his syndicated radio sports talk show. He was interviewing an athlete and said, “Hey bro, I got your back.” You know what he meant by that, right? That’s how dudes tell each other they are loyal to them. I think it […]

So that…

“Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Aaaaahhhhhnnaaeeeeyyyyyaaank!” That’s a direct quote from the blockbuster comedy film “Dumb and Dumber” starring Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas. It was a very funny moment but I recommend the edited version. I must admit I laughed out of my chair during that movie. But I think […]

The Two Paths

You know how you are walking or biking down a new trail that you have never been on before and you come to that literal “fork in the road”? If you are an adventurer like me, this is an exciting moment! “Two choices instead of one! My little adventure just got twice as exciting!” I […]

Forgive and Forget?

You grow up hearing this in elementary school, right? “Oh, just forgive and forget.” Okay, I’ll get right on that. My problem is, I have a fairly detailed memory and very good recall and retention level. And my mother and my wife have an even greater memory than I do! Maybe you are like me […]


“I’ll get to it tomorrow…” Famous last words. Some of you out there are habitual go-getters – you are always over-prepared, you were the first one to finish each homework assignment in high school, you always finish everything you start… Hmm. On second thought, I don’t think I know anybody like that. Oh, there are […]