Tag Archives: church

Enjoy The Ride

Whitewater rafting

“Enjoy the ride!” When it comes to trusting God, sometimes that is all you can tell someone. Last August, some good friends said exactly that about trusting God in our future plans. I attended a reunion/prayer retreat in Council Bluffs, IA – the brainchild of my good friend Shun Lee Fong – Principle Creative / […]

You Are Weak…


We have these convos every day about Christians we know who are really weak: “Oh did you hear the news about so-and-so?!” “Are you kidding me? How could so-and-so do this-and-that?” “I know! I think we better spread the news about so-and-so!” Well… okay not really. It’s not exactly that obvious. Or, is it? Of […]

How To Get Free and Go Forward

Hey everyone! I have some exciting news to share with you: As you may or may not know, I have been working on a project that I know is going to be life-changing. I have put a lot of time and work into this, and I’m happy to announce it is finally here! Drum-roll… INTRODUCING: The New […]

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]

Are You Dressed Up?

I remember hearing that phrase over and over every Sunday morning when my mom and dad would get us three boys ready for church. Like most good church-goers, my family strongly adhered to the popular adage – “look your Sunday best for God.” And we did. Every Sunday, we wore clothes that we would never […]

The Secret is Caring

Good Day to you! It’s kinda nice to have someone give us a nice warm greeting each day, isn’t it? I once knocked on a door of someone’s home as I was inviting people to a special event at our church, and was quite shocked when the owner of the home opened the door and, […]

Christmas as Unusual

Christmas is here! When I think back to previous Christmas Days, several memories come to mind. Of course I enjoy being with family, opening gifts, and eating delicious family dinners. Those are the “usual” activities that happen each year. No, I think it’s those unexpected unusual experiences that are most memorable. I recall as a […]

The Two Paths

You know how you are walking or biking down a new trail that you have never been on before and you come to that literal “fork in the road”? If you are an adventurer like me, this is an exciting moment! “Two choices instead of one! My little adventure just got twice as exciting!” I […]

Earning Not to be Heard

Someone mentioned this common Christian cliche’ the other day to a friend as I overheard them discuss how to talk to people who have chosen to live a sinful lifestyle – “Well you know, we got to earn the right to be heard. We can’t just go up to people and bombard them with our […]

A Loyal Friend

Let’s be honest – loyalty isn’t exactly considered to be the unpardonable sin in 21st century America. It would seem that people value and promote occasional calculated acts of disloyalty as needed for, say… a job promotion, a romantic interest, getting an “in” with a higher social group – even in the church community. There […]