Tag Archives: Christianity

The Two Paths

You know how you are walking or biking down a new trail that you have never been on before and you come to that literal “fork in the road”? If you are an adventurer like me, this is an exciting moment! “Two choices instead of one! My little adventure just got twice as exciting!” I […]

Earning Not to be Heard

Someone mentioned this common Christian cliche’ the other day to a friend as I overheard them discuss how to talk to people who have chosen to live a sinful lifestyle – “Well you know, we got to earn the right to be heard. We can’t just go up to people and bombard them with our […]

Forgive and Forget?

You grow up hearing this in elementary school, right? “Oh, just forgive and forget.” Okay, I’ll get right on that. My problem is, I have a fairly detailed memory and very good recall and retention level. And my mother and my wife have an even greater memory than I do! Maybe you are like me […]


“I’ll get to it tomorrow…” Famous last words. Some of you out there are habitual go-getters – you are always over-prepared, you were the first one to finish each homework assignment in high school, you always finish everything you start… Hmm. On second thought, I don’t think I know anybody like that. Oh, there are […]

Beautiful chance

Yesterday I was driving home from a Father’s Day celebration at my parents house, and I had about an hour as I drove to watch the fantastic evening sky. The sun was setting and the clouds were painted in a beautiful palette of colors. It occurred to me that we need to take more time […]

Hanging on

I love cats! “They taste just like chicken.” Ha ha. You’ve heard that joke too often, no doubt. But seriously, growing up – we had a cat in our household for a time. We loved that fur ball. My brothers and I, still being barely past puberty, would find the most impossible crevices and death-defying […]

A Loyal Friend – Part II

This is the second part of my blog about “Loyalty”. The truth is, gossip is so easy to slip into. We all fail in this area at times, I’m afraid. And the hard truth is, as we spend time together in certain social circles, we become intimately aware of each others weaknesses and failures. If […]

A Loyal Friend

Let’s be honest – loyalty isn’t exactly considered to be the unpardonable sin in 21st century America. It would seem that people value and promote occasional calculated acts of disloyalty as needed for, say… a job promotion, a romantic interest, getting an “in” with a higher social group – even in the church community. There […]

In or Out?

Are you IN or OUT? What I mean to ask is, are you in the “in” crowd or the “out” crowd? If you answered “in crowd”, then you might want to re-adjust your focus and priorities. If you answered “out crowd”, ironically you may also need to re-adjust your priorities. Have you noticed that cliques […]