Category Archives: Social Issues


MLK Jr. had a dream. He spoke it so eloquently at the 1963 March on Washington Capital for Equal Rights. He dreamed that people of every race would be able to declare in the words of that old spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty! We are free at last!” I have […]

You’re So Annoying

“You’re so annoying!” That’s exactly what my wife said to me recently after a friendly discussion about the garbage disposal. I don’t know why she said it. I wasn’t trying to be cute or snide or sarcastic. I thought the disposal was just fine. It works. Sure, it’s old and smells bad. But it works. […]

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]

A Few Feet Away

Just a couple of feet away. That’s all that separated my grandfather from instant eternity as he fought in the trenches of France during World War I. Starting in 1914 and lasting 4 years up to 1918, ” The Great War” was an unbelievably brutal conflict in which Germany fought Britain, The United States and […]

Are You Dressed Up?

I remember hearing that phrase over and over every Sunday morning when my mom and dad would get us three boys ready for church. Like most good church-goers, my family strongly adhered to the popular adage – “look your Sunday best for God.” And we did. Every Sunday, we wore clothes that we would never […]

The Secret is Caring

Good Day to you! It’s kinda nice to have someone give us a nice warm greeting each day, isn’t it? I once knocked on a door of someone’s home as I was inviting people to a special event at our church, and was quite shocked when the owner of the home opened the door and, […]

The Greatest

In Luke 9:46 we have recorded a rather hilarious event that took place among the disciples. Apparently they felt it was necessary to establish a pecking order among themselves early on. This of course resulted in an argument – and the ones who were the most outspoken basically “got dibs” on the titles such as […]

Now & Later – Part 4 of 4

Yes! If you have been following my “Now & Later” Series you have made it to the final post… Congrats are in order! Basically the notion that we can have good friends both for now and later is not that incredibly deep. Many people have best friends for a lifetime. I wish my life worked […]

Now & Later – Part 3 of 4

So where was I? Oh yes! Now and Later candy. Yummy. Can use, re-use… even re-re-use. Only thing is – it will screw up your dental work! Man I could tell you stories of when our mouths would lock up during a Now & Later chewing episode. I remember I used to get scared as […]

Now and Later – Part 2 of 4

So, back to the spit… It may have been superstition, but we believed swallowing a brother’s spit was akin to the grossest possible scenario – and always produced the automatic vomit trigger in the bowels of any sibling who ever tried such heretical shenanigans. If it was spit upon – then no matter how much […]