“Hey, you look like you could use some rest!” How many times have I heard someone say that to me this past year? Too many to count. Yes, 2012 was very busy for me. A lot going on for a creative person like me who always has too many good ideas. But you know, I […]
Tag Archives: Christianity
Ever been to Vegas? I have. I don’t gamble. I really don’t like casinos. The entire scene is a tad bit off-putting for me. I like some of the cheap food and the amazing shows. I wouldn’t say my dislike for Vegas has anything to do with strong moral objections. I mean, in every city […]
2000 years ago, Jesus didn’t have the luxury of employing a public relations firm to help market his brand. But can’t you just imagine if he did? I can just see Andrew leading the way as the Twelve members of Christ’s entourage come walking into a top ad agency’s stylish boardroom with glass walls and […]
Yep, that’s me! Mr. perfect! Ha – not at all. If you know me, you know… KNOW that I am not perfect. However, sometimes people accuse me of being a perfectionist. I find there is a slight difference between doing an excellent job and being a perfectionist. I’m truly just trying to do an excellent […]
Well unless you have your head buried in the college football sand (which, if so, you are not alone. We college football fans are an unusual species) you are well aware of the horrible circumstances befalling the Penn State football program, as well as the entire university establishment and allumni. And you surely have heard […]