Tag Archives: abuse

How To Get Free and Go Forward

Hey everyone! I have some exciting news to share with you: As you may or may not know, I have been working on a project that I know is going to be life-changing. I have put a lot of time and work into this, and I’m happy to announce it is finally here! Drum-roll… INTRODUCING: The New […]

This Crazy Church World

Good morning! I have a little rant to share with y’all. (originally posted in a Facebook Page) I hope this is for you. I hope it edifies you. If not, I hope it amuses you, he he: There are two great TENSIONS throughout church history, that I see. I think we all see, experience and […]

Don’t get offended.

“I mean this in love and in no way intend this to come across as negative or critical, but…” Ever have someone start out a conversation this way? Not the easiest statement to hear someone else say to us. Well, don’t feel too bad, it’s only natural to put up an emotional wall, or get […]

Paterno and Penn State

Well unless you have your head buried in the college football sand (which, if so, you are not alone. We college football fans are an unusual species) you are well aware of the horrible circumstances befalling the Penn State football program, as well as the entire university establishment and allumni. And you surely have heard […]

Timing is Everything

Comic genius Steve Martin explains the secret to comedy is “all about the… Time-t…ti-ming…. Timing! I think success is very similar. I have tried to push through some projects and ideas only to hit a brick wall, resulting in complete failure, or frustration. But then there are other projects that seem to have a path […]