Category Archives: Current Events

Love Works

Isn’t that how the Daycare song goes? Well my wife Sylvie (who is an amazing Daycare consultant) sang a catchy tune with her kids when they were cleaning up and actually, it goes like this: “What’s gonna work? Team – Work!” Yeah, so… I was in church few weeks ago, and was telling a story […]

Do These Go Together?

How are you doing on this damp July day? Funny. July and damp. Do these go together? Not usually. But it’s been like that in Minnesota the past few weeks. And sometimes life is that way – things that normally don’t go together seem to come along. We take the good with the bad. Our […]

Are You A “Great Christian?”

pic of Great Christian Faith Minister

I know, this is a hard one to answer. Most ministers would say “Why yes I am a Great Christian!” And then, upon request for the reason for their enthusiastic reply they might say “Because I’m a pastor!” or “I am a Christian author!” or “I have 30,000 Twitter followers” or “Because I have an […]

How To Get Free and Go Forward

Hey everyone! I have some exciting news to share with you: As you may or may not know, I have been working on a project that I know is going to be life-changing. I have put a lot of time and work into this, and I’m happy to announce it is finally here! Drum-roll… INTRODUCING: The New […]

Finding Your Life Direction and Purpose

Hello to you this fine morning! Lately a lot of you have been asking me “So what is going on with you?” I appreciate that and I know many are wanting the updates and believe me I AM HAPPY YOU WANT TO KNOW! Please continue to pray for direction for Sylvie and I. But you […]

This Crazy Church World

Good morning! I have a little rant to share with y’all. (originally posted in a Facebook Page) I hope this is for you. I hope it edifies you. If not, I hope it amuses you, he he: There are two great TENSIONS throughout church history, that I see. I think we all see, experience and […]

The Cops

We see the cops in the media often lately. What are they usually doing? Beating someone up, choking them… Sometimes killing them. I’m sure that bothers you like it bothers me. We need a new mode of thinking and training for police. They cannot go beyond what the law allows. I mean, pulling a gun […]

Changes Remain

Things change. I’ll never forget the day my dad was taking pictures of us kids during Christmas – and the Polaroid camera he was using was out of film. And one of us just volunteered our cell phone.  He was in awe of the technology shift that had yet again taken place. Even digital cameras […]


MLK Jr. had a dream. He spoke it so eloquently at the 1963 March on Washington Capital for Equal Rights. He dreamed that people of every race would be able to declare in the words of that old spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty! We are free at last!” I have […]

A Few Feet Away

Just a couple of feet away. That’s all that separated my grandfather from instant eternity as he fought in the trenches of France during World War I. Starting in 1914 and lasting 4 years up to 1918, ” The Great War” was an unbelievably brutal conflict in which Germany fought Britain, The United States and […]