Pressing On, Pushing Through

I don’t care too much for the word “perseverance”; it sounds kinda bland and gloomy. It sounds a little “severe”. Maybe a better phrase is “putting up with” or “waiting around until it’s over.” Whatever “it” is. Even better phraseology might be “pressing on and pushing through.” 

Maybe you are like me, and you have had to wait for many things in life. You would think this would have made me a better “waiter”, but alas… I hate to wait. Waiting involves pain, or delayed gratification. We know God allows this process in our lives to mold us and make us. 

At this juncture in my life, some things that God has promised me have come to pass, and others are in process. In some ways, I am overwhelmed as I juggle various projects. But it is okay. I am not complaining. A lot of good things are going on and I am just trying to enjoy the ride. 

I will continue to update you all on the latest news with my book THE NEW PHARISEE, as well as the feature film HEART OF THE CITY. Plus, there are many other exciting things cooking that I am excited to tell you about. I am excited about the things I have waited for. But more that these things, I am excited to simply be a child of God. 

Until next time!





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