Yep, that’s me! Mr. perfect!
Ha – not at all. If you know me, you know… KNOW that I am not perfect.
However, sometimes people accuse me of being a perfectionist. I find there is a slight difference between doing an excellent job and being a perfectionist. I’m truly just trying to do an excellent job. But maybe I’m fooling myself. Okay, so sometimes I do step over the line!
Watching the Olympics, of course many of the gymnastic contests involve trying to get that perfect 10. Others simply have to beat out everyone else, or score one more goal than the other teams. But for some Olympians, they must shoot for the Gold by being PERFECT!
Wow. What a feat to shoot for!
Well it may be possible in some sports, but when it comes to our walk with God, other issues rear their ugly heads. Oh, we can try to live that perfect life of righteousness.
But sooner or later your own abilities and strengths have their obvious limitations. No matter which way you look at it, we all end up being inadequate.
Funny, God really never asks us to be perfectionists. (He does want us to give our best for Him.)
But he DID say we must BE perfect. (Matthew 5:48)
Oh, that’s comforting!
Being perfect is of course impossible in ourselves. In fact, obeying the Law – even the Ten Commandments, is actually impossible to fulfill in all of it’s implications. Truly, it is supposed to be that way.
Christ in us obeys the law. We don’t fully. We cannot completely. So Jesus needs to come inside and obey for us. In reality, their is only one capable of being perfect. Our job is to allow that ONE to live in us so that he can be perfect in us. (Colossians 1:27)
Sounds easy. The hard work is in giving up, handing over and submitting to.
Are you trying to be perfect? Give up. Give in. Submit to God. And let God fulfill the law in you!
Have a great day, fellow imperfect ones!