Tag Archives: giving

Crowdfunding Ain’t So Bad

You know what I find annoying besides Crowdfunding? When I walk into a store, and I’m just in the mood to look around, and the clerk says ‘Can I help you Sir?” It’s annoying! And it seems a little pushy on their part. But I get over it. So do you. We know thats “Just […]

The Secret is Caring

Good Day to you! It’s kinda nice to have someone give us a nice warm greeting each day, isn’t it? I once knocked on a door of someone’s home as I was inviting people to a special event at our church, and was quite shocked when the owner of the home opened the door and, […]

Christmas as Unusual

Christmas is here! When I think back to previous Christmas Days, several memories come to mind. Of course I enjoy being with family, opening gifts, and eating delicious family dinners. Those are the “usual” activities that happen each year. No, I think it’s those unexpected unusual experiences that are most memorable. I recall as a […]

On The Air

Many of you probably don’t know this but I was a cohost of a weekly talk show for three years on Omaha’s #1 talk station KKAR in the 1990’s called “Straight Talk”. It was a call-in show hosted by Ty Schenzel and his beautiful and über-talented wife Terri (ok Ty , if you are out […]


Quick shout out to all of those who helped in spreading the word about Pebbles in the Pond – Wave II We did it! I so much appreciate all of your interest in this project! If you haven’t got your copy yet, I would encourage you to do so right now! And after you have […]