As advertised, I am formally announcing the ARRIVAL of my NEW BOOK – “Pebbles in the Pond – Wave II”… I am actually one of 20 plus co-authors. Each of us has contributed a chapter that tells a personal story of transformation from trial to triumph.
Here is the VIDEO PROMO of Pebbles in the Pond – Wave II
Each of us is a pebble in the pond called planet earth. We feel so small, insignificant. But the truth is, one person can make a small ripple that can go to the ends of the earth. Pebbles in the pond is exactly that – men and women who are making a difference one person at a time.
This world is in need of hope, love, peace, togetherness, and mutual understanding. This book is really just another way of offering hope and encouragement to people.
Discover how you can turn your trials, temptations, tests into triumphs!