Brief Bio
Jeff Saxton is a Christian speaker, author, pastor and prophetic minister of the Gospel. He has ministered full-time for over 2 decades in 10 churches/Christian organizations. He served on staff with Elmer Murdoch & Ty Schenzel in the 1990s, as well as several Assembly of God churches in 2000 – 2015. In the fall of 2020 God gave him a vision to start his current ministry – Revive Equip.
Expanded Bio
Jeff was hired by Elmer Murdoch after college to be the 8th pastor on staff at Trinity Church Interdenominational – a large Spirit-filled church on the west side of Omaha, Nebraska.
Jeff was Assistant Youth Pastor to Ty Schenzel at Trinity from 1990-1996. During that time, many of their adult volunteers they trained became full-time pastors, missionaries and youth pastors themselves.
Jeff co-hosted the radio talk show STRAIGHT TALK with Ty & Terri Schenzel that ran every Sunday night from 1993-1996.
Jeff was the Ministry Director at Omaha YFC from 1996-1999; where both the youth meetings and donations tripled by God’s grace.
Jeff wrote and directed his first feature film HEART OF THE CITY which premiered at the Omaha Film festival in 2009.
Jeff published his first book THE NEW PHARISEE in 2010. His 2nd book as co-author of PEBBLES IN THE POND VOL 2 was an AMAZON BESTSELLER in 3 categories.
Jeff met Sylvie while he was the pastor of small groups, productions and communications at Rochester A/G from 2006-2015. They married in November 2007 and pastored at that church for almost decade. During their time at Rochester AG Jeff wrote and directed over 20 evangelistic stage plays, Also during his tenure at RAG, Jeff led a team of leaders to in the small group ministry to nearly double in 1 year (25 – 50). This convinced the Minnesota Assemblies of God to invite Jeff to teach 3 seminars to pastors about small groups at the Minnesota 2014 EQUIP Conference.
Jeff & Sylvie were interim pastors at Brooklyn Park AG in Brooklyn Park, MN from 2016 to 2018.
Jeff published his first book THE NEW PHARISEE in 2010. His 2nd book as co-author of PEBBLES IN THE POND VOL 2 was an AMAZON BESTSELLER in 3 categories.