You know what I find annoying besides Crowdfunding?
When I walk into a store, and I’m just in the mood to look around, and the clerk says ‘Can I help you Sir?”
It’s annoying! And it seems a little pushy on their part. But I get over it. So do you. We know thats “Just retail.” Most of us will walk into yet another store in a matter of days and subject ourselves to the same annoyance again.
Well, on second thought, we understand – the clerk is just doing what the boss told them to do. If they don’t do this, they could be fired. And I have to admit, doing any kind of crowdfunding kinda stinks in a similar way. I naturally do not enjoy asking people to give me anything.
First of all – I hate to annoy people.
I am doing a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign right now for a book project called “Ty’s Hope.”
Which brings me to a deeper thought maybe you haven’t considered:
Now don’t feel like I’m judging you I know I feel the same way initially when others hit me up for some cause.
In fact my friend Chris Heurtz runs Word Made Flesh – it’s an international ongoing campaign to raise funds that go to the “poorest of the poor” and he literally means that. They try to help with food, clothing, shelter. The thing is, it’s kinda “in” right now to give money for those things. But still, it’s very hard to ask.
Word Made Flesh has a saying “We beg for others, so they don’t have to.”
I was reading the Bible the other day and it struck me toward the end of Paul’s letters, he often gives instructions for who should greet whom, which people he hopes to see in the future, and what to do with the money.
Wait – money, Paul? You are asking people for money?
Oh, maybe you didn’t realize it but – many of the letters of Paul are support letters to people that are helping him.
Even back then, Paul said he was a “go-er” who needed “senders” to help him in his Missions work.
I am doing this project right now and yes, I also like Paul feel divinely guided to complete the book project about my mentor Ty Schenzel and The Hope Center story. I have the full backing of the 4 kids and Ty’s sister Julie. I have Hollywood contacts that think it could be awesome and they want to see the book asap.
But wait – I am not independently wealthy. Bummer.
Believe me. I wish I was.
Doing this is so exhausting I have already been to Omaha once and I make phone calls daily – I talk to people daily for hours on end.
Will Uncle Sam be okay if I just do this and not pay bills?
It won’t happen unless I find, like Paul, some senders who feel called to help me go.
Now. I know this is annoying for some.
But If I don’t find ways to fund this by making a few annoying posts everyone once in a while, I have a Heavenly Boss who will be upset with me. (Not to mention, crowdfunding also has the dual purpose of attracting and building the audience first.)
And furthermore, what about you?
In heaven, you won’t think back of how annoying this stupid posts were for 3 – 4 weeks bugging people online. You will probably rather be thinking like the ending of Shindler’s List “Wait! I have a dollar in my pocket! Can you use that Jeff?” “Wait I have 10 dollars right here Word Made Flesh! Can you guys take it now?’
And as much as Word Made Flesh would love to take your money in heaven, it will be too late. There are actually not that many goers around. Most of us are senders. So that means there are really not many opportunities like crowdfunding to make an eternal investment with your money. And you can’t take your money with you.
I can’t take my money with me.
God gives us all one chance on this earth, and then we need to give an account.
Hey I am not trying to cajole you into an emotional manipulation tactic here.
I actually do not want any gifts UNLESS – people are 100% certain it is God leading them and 100% certain they feel honored to give.
In a real way – this money you give me – is going to a book that’s designed to speak to people’s hearts to care more for the inner cities of our world. And it’s one incredibly exciting story – so you will at least have some fun!
So I know it’s annoying. But just put up with it a few more weeks.
It ain’t so bad.
Ty’s Hope GoFundMe Pagecutrd6tyl;