Category Archives: Theology


[sgmb id=”1″]Everyone is talking about “transformation” these days. Ah, but can you blame them? It’s like, a really awesome concept – something mundane (like a caterpillar) can transform into a beautiful butterfly! Yes indeed. And so now we all want to become more beautiful, more successful, more powerful, more famous, more popular, more socialized. But […]

The Overseer Calling

Last time I said I had more to come on the topic of “Overseer” and, I do. 🙂 If I left this topic at this juncture, I would do you a disservice, and not really give a comprehensive critique on how church’s misunderstand Biblical governing. I have met superb board members who understood their role […]

Who knows?

Sooner or later, all drivers are forced to make a decision. We asks the question in our minds, “Which road do I take?” I was on a two-week trip to England many years ago. As it happens, I was given a car by some friends and was able to drive all over the location where […]

Are You Dressed Up?

I remember hearing that phrase over and over every Sunday morning when my mom and dad would get us three boys ready for church. Like most good church-goers, my family strongly adhered to the popular adage – “look your Sunday best for God.” And we did. Every Sunday, we wore clothes that we would never […]

Beautiful chance

Yesterday I was driving home from a Father’s Day celebration at my parents house, and I had about an hour as I drove to watch the fantastic evening sky. The sun was setting and the clouds were painted in a beautiful palette of colors. It occurred to me that we need to take more time […]