Happy July 4th!
Temperatures are soaring into the high nineties and low one-hundreds, so be careful out there today. A friend went into a Target store looking for his favorite bbq sauce only to find the entire line of sauce was swiped clean!
Oh well, there’s always ketchup.
We Americans call this special day “Independence Day” as we celebrate our freedom from tyranny, control and domination. It’s a great day, and like many holidays many people get too consumed with the fireworks and picnics, and not as focused on the original reason for the season.
But I am struck this morning by the fact that it should also be considered our nation’s “Dependence Day” on God. You cannot escape the fact that our founding fathers were religious minded people who, in spite of various personal religious views, proclaimed independence from political oppression and dependence on God Almighty.
Still today, our President concludes each public address with “God bless the United States of America.” I hope we can really trust and depend on our God this year as we struggle through a variety of difficulties. God likes to be depended upon. He likes to show His faithfulnes to those who have faith. I must admit, I sometimes find myself struggling to depend on God at times… even after years of seeing so many prayers answered.
Are you in trouble today? You and I can pray, depend on God and see great things happen!